Air Force President's Budget FY23

The Department of the Air Force FY 2023 budget request is approximately $194.0 billion dollars, a $20.2B or 11.7% increase from the FY 2022 request.  The Air Force budget of $169.5B is a $13.2B increase over the ’22 request and the Space force budget of $24.5B is a $7.1B increase; $3B of that is for inter-service transfers, the remaining $4.1B is programmatic growth.

The FY 2023 Operation & Maintenance (O&M) budget includes a $5.5B dollar increase from the FY 2022 request. This request resources a 4.6% civilian pay raise and benefits ($576M), adds $154M for Violence Prevention and Response programs, and increases Facilities Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization by $384M.Additionally, it resources Air Force Weapons System Sustainment (WSS) at 85% and funds the flying hours at the maximum executable level (1.1 million flying hours).

The U.S. Space Force FY 2023 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) budget request of $4 billion includes funds for a 4.6% pay raise for civilian personnel. This budget request funds 83% of Weapon System Sustainment requirements, a 4% increase over FY22 levels. In addition, this budget request sustains day-to-day mission operations and supports headquarters and field centers for doctrine development, warfare, intelligence, and professional military education.

The FY 2023 Air Force Military Personnel (MILPERS) budget improves quality of life for Airmen. It resources a 4 .6% pay raise, 4.2% BAH raise, and 3.4% BAS raise. This budget resources $1.1B for Permanent Change of Station moves and includes $520M for bonus/ retention programs for approximately 30K critical skilled positions.

The FY 2023 Military Personnel (MILPERS) budget of $1 billion transitions from the U .S. Air Force MILPERS appropriation to the U.S. Space Force. This budget resources 4 .6% raises in pay, 4 .2% basic allowance for housing, and 3.4% basic allowance for subsistence . Additionally, it supports USSF end strength growth from 8,400 military authorizations to 8,600 military authorizations.

The FY 2023 Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) budget invests in key modernization efforts to address across many of the core missions such as air superiority, global strike, command and control, and rapid global mobility. The nuclear enterprise includes modernizations efforts for Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD), Long Range Standoff (LRSO), and the Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC).These investments along with other modernizations will address future security challenges in alignment with the Secretary of the Air Forces’ seven operational imperatives.

The FY 2023 U.S. Space Force Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) budget of $15.8 billion invests to protect and defend current space assets, build more resilient and defendable architectures, and develop offensive capabilities to challenge adversary space capabilities.

The Air Force Procurement budget continues investments in a number of modernization priorities such as the F-35A, F-15EX, KC-46A, and begins procurement for B-21 bomber and MH-139 helicopter program. In addition, the procurement budget continues investment in advanced munitions with the Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile – Extended Range (JASSM-ER), Long Range Anti-Ship missile (LRASM), along with other precision munities such as Joint Direct Attack Munition and Small Diameter Bomb (I & II).

The U.S. Space Force Procurement budget of $3.6 billion funds acquisition of space vehicles and terminals, ground control systems, launch services, and related communications security and training products.

The Air Force Military Construction (MILCON) budget continues to fund high-priority projects to meet critical infrastructure requirements, mission needs, and operational timelines. The FY 2023 MILCON request includes $2.3 billion for Military Construction with resources allocated for new weapon system beddowns, existing infrastructure investment, and Planning and Design for future projects.


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Expand List item 3063Collapse List item 3063  Base Realignment & Closure (BRAC)
Expand List item 3064Collapse List item 3064  Military Construction
Expand List item 3065Collapse List item 3065  Military Personnel Program
Expand List item 3066Collapse List item 3066  Operation & Maintenance
Expand List item 3067Collapse List item 3067  Procurement
Expand List item 3068Collapse List item 3068  Research, Development, Test & Evaluation
Expand List item 3069Collapse List item 3069  Supporting Documents
Expand List item 3070Collapse List item 3070  Working Capital Fund