Air Force President's Budget FY20

The Air Force 2020 budget request is approximately $165.6 billion dollars, a 6% increase from the FY 2019 request. Highlights:

Our FY 2020 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) budget includes an over $4 billion dollar increase from the FY 2019 request. The baseline budget funds flying hours to the maximum executable level. To free Air Force pilots to perform other missions, we continue to expand our Adversary Air contract and prioritize Pacing Platforms in our Weapons System Sustainment (WSS) portfolio, while maintaining overall high levels of WSS funding to achieve desired readiness gains.

The FY 2020 Military Personnel (MILPERS) funding continues our end-strength growth, further reducing critical gaps in our force. While Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve maintainers still face manning challenges, our FY20 budget continues end-strength growth by adding 4,400 Airmen growing the Total Force military end-strength to just over 510K military members. This request also provides funding to recruit, train and develop Airmen focused on leading in Multi-Domain Operations as part of the Joint and Combined Force. In particular, this budget targets shortfalls in nuclear defenders, intelligence specialists, special warfare Airmen and cyber warriors. This budget also builds on the progress to produce 1,480 pilots in 2020.

The FY 2020 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) budget invests heavily in game-changing technologies, increases funds for modernization of our nuclear triad, continues the development of future space assets and re-profiles funding to advance the most promising capabilities. Funding continues the development and operational fielding of hypersonics, unmanned autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence and machine learning systems, and algorithmic warfare. Additionally, the FY 2020 budget continues the development of Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) sensor, and funds GPS-III follow-on satellite, furthering our efforts to move to a defendable space posture.

Our FY 2020 Procurement account continues procurement of F-35As and KC-46As, and initiates the refresh of the F-15 fleet with a new variant. This budget continues to fund the modernization of rotary assets with the HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopter and the modification of 4th and 5th generation aircraft.

In the FY 2020 budget, the Military Construction (MILCON) request continues to prioritize critical infrastructure requirements to meet mission needs and operational timelines. The Air Force’s FY 2020 MILCON budget request contains $2.3B for Military Construction, approximately $400M more than FY 2019 enacted funding. These resources will fund Combatant Commander priorities, new weapon system beddowns, and modernization of our research, development and test infrastructure. Additionally, this budget funds the replacement of facilities destroyed by Hurricane Maria on Muniz Air National Guard Base, Puerto Rico.

Our FY 2020 Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) budget prioritizes on-going operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, expands efforts to deter Russian aggression through the European Deterrence Initiative, continues global counterterrorism operations and builds military readiness.



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Supporting Documents

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Military Personnel Program

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Operation & Maintenance

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Military Construction

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Base Realignment & Closure (BRAC)

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Working Capital Fund

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Research, Development, Test & Evaluation